Best bullet for 270 win
Best bullet for 270 win

Jack O’Connor also helped cement the reputation of the cartridge as an effective bighorn sheep cartridge. Not surprisingly, it’s especially popular among mule deer and whitetail deer hunters as well as those pursuing game like pronghorn. 270 Winchester is a classic deer hunting cartridge if there ever was one. Known for being a high velocity, relatively flat shooting, really accurate, and moderately recoiling cartridge (compared to the bigger magnums), the. 270 ammo for hunting deer, elk, moose, bear, and many other big game animals. Not surprisingly, virtually every single ammunition manufacturer of note like Barnes, Browning, Fiocchi, Federal Premium, Hornady, HSM, Norma, Nosler, Remington, Sierra, Swift, and Winchester produces several different variants of.

best bullet for 270 win

270 Winchester cartridge remains one of the Top 10 most popular centerfire rifle cartridges in the United States to this day. 270 and he’ll be forever linked to the cartridge due to his columns featuring it in Outdoor Life. Indeed, the renowned gun writer Jack O’Connor was known for his affinity for the. 270 Winchester cartridge gradually became extremely popular among North American hunters. 270 ammo loadings pushing a 130 grain bullet at velocities in excess of 3,000 fps, many hunters appreciated the flat shooting characteristics of the round and the fact that it was so effective on thin skinned game.

best bullet for 270 win

270 Winchester cartridge got the attention of many hunters when first introduced in 1925 with the legendary Winchester Model 54 bolt action rifle. While it wasn’t an immediate commercial success, the high velocity. 270 ammo options that will serve you very well on your next hunt. 270 Winchester for hunting deer, elk, and many other species of big game with excellent results.

Best bullet for 270 win